The Health Feast


Po starts the conversation by sharing his experience getting infected early in the pandemic before there were vaccines and therapies.  Dr. Rak shares his experience caring for hospitalized patients with COVID for the first two years of the pandemic.

They discuss the protective effects of a plant-based diet on getting moderate to severe COVID.  The article Dr. Rak references can be found here: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8219480/

Dr. Rak then shares his experience with his recent COVID infection. To recover, he shares that he has been practicing the Wim Hof method, which he started doing around the start of the pandemic to boost his immunity.  The Wim Hof follow-along video he references to help you get started with the Wim Hof breathing can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLIoSNKaruA&t=1554s

Dr. Rak talks about deprescribing - that is, safely reducing and stopping medications, which is done in the setting of someone making lifestyle changes to address the root cause of disease.  This is something Dr. Rak regularly does in his medical practice with Mora Medical (mora.com). 

The two end by setting goals for the coming week.

Have a question or comment for Dr. Rak and Po?  You can submit them on our website at thehealthfeast.com 

Disclaimer: The Health Feast is provided for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute providing medical advice or professional services. As with any changes affecting your health, we recommend and encourage you to consult your medical doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals before embarking on this journey.  The opinions expressed are our own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of our employers.

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The Health Feast
We started with the question, how can good health feel like a feast, almost indulgent? Each week, Dr. Rak and Po have conversations to answer this question and on how we can all live our best lives The two welcome guests who share their personal journeys as well as their expertise in the areas of lifestyle medicine, fitness, nutrition, and spirituality. These conversations are not your typical interviews; they are intimate and thought-provoking dialogues that aim to inspire and empower listeners, as we all work to create a health feast in our own lives.